
International Women’s Day // Conclusionary Episode

Throughout March, the Inside The Petri Dish Podcast has been sharing special episodes to celebrate International Women’s Day.

In this episode, Vicki Blight, Tay-Yibah Aziz and Alice Gray get together to talk about their own journeys in STEM.

Stay tuned for the next episode where Tay and Vicki set Alice a new challenge to explore.

Music Credit: Bensounds


IWD2018 // Living with Volcanos | Jazmin Scarlett

Welcome to the International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, where we will be sharing special episodes featuring amazing women in STEM throughout March.

In this episode, Alice Gray sits down with volcanologist, Jazmin Scarlett, to talk about how she became interested in the sociological impacts of living with volcanos.

Music Credit: Bensounds


IWD2018 // The Scottish Stemette | Amanda Gray

Welcome to the International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, where we will be sharing special episodes featuring amazing women in STEM throughout March.

In this episode, Alice Gray sits down with the Scottish Stemette, Amanda Gray, to talk about the science of ginger hair and inspiring young girls into science.

Learn about Stemettes here.

Music Credit: Bensounds


IWD2018 // Super Cool Scientists | Sara MacSorely

Welcome to the International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, where we will be sharing special episodes featuring amazing women in STEM throughout March.

In this episode, Alice Gray sits down with author of Super Cool Scientists, Sara MacSorely, to talk about how she decided to develop a colouring book about women in STEM.

You can find her book here.

Music Credit: Bensounds


IWD2018 // Brain Games | Emma Yhnell

Welcome to the International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, where we will be sharing special episodes featuring amazing women in STEM throughout March.

In this episode, Alice Gray sits down with neuroscientist and STEM Ambassador, Emma Yhnell, to talk about her work in Huntington’s disease and science engagement.

Music Credit: Bensounds


IWD2018 // Fresh Science | Nicola

Welcome to the International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, where we will be sharing special episodes featuring amazing women in STEM throughout March.

In this episode, Alice Gray sits down with cancer researcher and blogger, Nicola from Fresh Science Blog. We explore how social media and blogging provides a support network for PhD students.

Check out Nicola’s blog here.

Music Credit: Bensounds


IWD2018 // Deep Sea Sharks and Women in STEM | Melissa Cristina Márquez

Welcome to the International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, where we will be sharing special episodes featuring amazing women in STEM throughout March.

In this episode, Alice Gray sits down with shark marine biologist, podcaster and TED Talker, Melissa Cristina Márquez, to talk about how women in STEM and deep sea sharks are more alike than you think.

Watch her TED Talk here.

Music Credit: Bensounds


IWD2018 // White water kayaking and white coats | Jessica Droujko

Welcome to the International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, where we will be sharing special episodes featuring amazing women in STEM throughout March.

In this episode, Alice Gray sits down with podcaster, YouTuber and engineer, Jessica Droujko to talk about her hobbies of white water kayaking and her work as an engineer.

You can find her podcast here and her YouTube channel here.

Music Credit: Bensounds


IWD2018 // How science got women wrong | Angela Saini

Welcome to the International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, where we will be sharing special episodes featuring amazing women in STEM throughout March.

In this episode, Alice Gray sits down with author, broadcaster and engineer, Angela Saini to talk about her book Inferior and how science got women wrong.

Get a copy of Inferior here.

Music Credit: Bensounds


International Women’s Day

Welcome to our International Women’s Day special of Inside the Petri Dish, the podcast that dissects science and takes a look down the microscope at controversial topics within research.

In this episode, Vicki Blight, Tay-Yibah Aziz and Alice Gray explore the role models that inspired them into science, before launching their IWD celebrations where Alice will interview women in STEM. Each Sunday new episodes featuring women in science will be released throughout the month of March to share their stories.

Stay tuned throughout the month to hear from a variety of amazing women in STEM.

Music Credit: Bensounds